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  • Writer's pictureDon Chapman

Press Release: Chapman to Run for South Carolina State House District 8

Anderson Architect Has Designs For A Better State House

(ANDERSON, S.C.) – Local businessman and longtime city councilman Don Chapman has officially announced his intentions to run in the June 14, 2022 Republican primary for SC State House District 8, a seat currently held by Rep. Jonathon Hill.

Chapman stated, “As an architect, it is my job to work well with others so that we can get a job done and done right. Our group designs and builds complex residential and commercial projects locally that are specialized to fit a family or a company’s needs. In the same way, this district’s leadership in Columbia should tirelessly advocate for what specifically benefits our families and local businesses. I want to run for State House to get things done.”

Chapman shared his blueprint for working to enact positive change:

“I am a conservative who believes in God first and foremost. I also understand the impact that small businesses have on our community. As a businessman, I have created jobs and met payrolls. As a City Councilman, I have learned to appreciate the power of building relationships and working hard to improve the quality of life and providing public safety for everyone without raising taxes.”

Using his experience, Chapman will seek to build positive relationships with area businesses and community leaders to help improve economic development and create more investment in the area. Chapman also fully understands the role Lake Hartwell plays in attracting more tourism dollars and serving as a central hub for the district. He will do everything he can to preserve and promote the lake.

Chapman added, “While serving the City of Anderson on council for nearly 14 years, I grew to love this area and its people even more. That is why I want to run for State House, to be a positive advocate for all the citizens of this house district. As your next State Representative, I want to get real results and find better solutions. It is time we had more people fighting for solutions in Columbia instead of just going down there to fight.”

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